A non-exclusive license agreement, also known as a non-exclusive permission, refers to a legal agreement between two parties, where one party grants the other party the right to use a product, service, or intellectual property without owning it. The licensee is permitted to use the product or service while the licensor holds the right to offer the same product or service to other parties.

A non-exclusive license agreement is a commonly used legal arrangement in the business world. It is often used to enable companies to share their intellectual property with other companies to drive innovation, enhance collaboration, or realize profit.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of a non-exclusive license agreement. We will also discuss its benefits, disadvantages, and how to draft an effective agreement.

The Meaning of Non-Exclusive License Agreement

A non-exclusive license agreement is a deal between two parties where the licensor grants the licensee permission to use or access the licensor`s product, service, or intellectual property without owning it. The agreement allows the licensee the right to use the product or service in an uninterrupted way but doesn`t restrict the licensor from allowing other companies to use the same product or service.

In other words, a non-exclusive license agreement is a type of legal arrangement that allows a licensor to share a product, service, or intellectual property with multiple parties, while each party holds the permission to use it.

Benefits of Non-Exclusive License Agreement

Non-exclusive license agreements offer several benefits to both parties involved. Some of the benefits include:

1. More Distribution Channels: A non-exclusive agreement allows the licensor to distribute their product or service over a wide range of channels, increasing the product`s reach and revenue potential.

2. Revenue Generation: With non-exclusive agreements, the licensor can generate revenue from numerous sources, as multiple parties may pay for the right to use the product or service.

3. Low-Risk Obligations: Non-exclusive agreements don`t require the licensee to invest a lot of resources or assume a significant level of risk for the product or service. They can test a product or service without committing a lot of resources.

Disadvantages of Non-Exclusive License Agreement

While non-exclusive agreements offer several benefits, they also have some drawbacks, some of which include:

1. Limited Revenue Potential: Since non-exclusive agreements allow the licensor to distribute the product or service widely, it may limit the number of royalties received.

2. Lack of Control: The licensor has no control over how the licensee uses the product or service, which may result in different interpretations of the agreement.

3. Competition: The presence of multiple licensees using the product or service may result in unhealthy competition, resulting in lower revenue and market share for the product or service.

How to Draft an Effective Non-Exclusive License Agreement

To draft an effective non-exclusive license agreement, the following key clauses should be included:

1. Grant of Permission: This clause outlines the product or service to be licensed and the scope of the permission granted.

2. Royalty Payment: This clause outlines the payment structure for the license.

3. Term: This clause outlines the period of validity of the license.

4. Restrictions: This clause details any restrictions on the licensee`s use of the product or service.

5. Warranty: This clause outlines the warranties made by the licensor, including the product or service`s quality, safety, and regulatory compliance.


A non-exclusive license agreement is a legal contract granting the licensee permission to use a product or service without the right to own it. While it offers several benefits to both parties involved, it also has some drawbacks. To draft an effective agreement, the grant of permission, royalty payment, term, restrictions, and warranty clauses should be included.